Thanks for your order!
There’s one next step: I need you to email me at with 3 bits of info:
- The link to your Google My Business (AKA Google Places) page. Or you can just tell me the name of your business and where it’s located.
- Your logo, if you’d like me to include one on the doc.
- Any contact info you’d like me to put on the doc – verbatim, exactly as you’d like it to appear. (Phone + website or email is fine. Just some way for customers to contact you if they have questions.)
I can’t send or even create your review handout until this happens. (Remember: I customize these.) Also, I only have the email address you used for Paypal, so be sure to check that inbox, or email me from whatever address you prefer. Once I have your info, my turnaround time is a day or so – and then the review-gathering can begin.
P.S. Obsessed with reviews? Join my “Review Fanatics Only” email list:
I’ll email you whenever I have something new to share about reviews. You’ll be first to know when I’ve published resources like this and this.
P.P.S. Trying to get reviews on sites other than Google? You might like the 3-site review handout I make. It’s also just $20.
phil ( at )